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  • How do i become a member of the Isuzu 4x4 Club WA Inc.
    Be of at least 18 years of age. Hold a valid drivers licence. Pay the annual defined membership fee ($120.00) Complete the membership application form under the membership tab on our website Agree to follow and abide to all club polices and rules
  • Does the Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. offer a regional membership?
    Yes, The Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. is as the name suggests and therefore membership is available to all qualifying persons living in Western Australia. Our club understands that living regional means it's not as easy to attend events and therefore we currently offer regional memberships to persons living outside of the Perth / Peel Region at a discounted rate of $60.00 per year. All persons wishing to qualify for regional membership must email a valid copy of their drivers licence which lists their current regional address. ***Note - Regional Memberships do not include a Polo Shirt on initial signup***
  • Do you need a valid Drivers Licence to drive off-road?
    Yes, all members & guests are required to have a valid drivers licence. Members & guests on learners permits must have a person with a valid unrestricted drivers licence supervising them at all times. Members or guests with a provisional licence are not permitted to supervise members or guests with a learners permit. Note all off-road tracks are considered as being gazetted roads and are subject to the same rules as on road. Police have the same powers in both locales. Please note the Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. addtionally does not permit any members or guests to operate a motor vehicle unlicensed on public roads or areas including privately owned roads, areas , properties.
  • Can i join the Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. with a standard (stock) 4wd with no modifications?
    Of course! We are very encouringing of setups of vehicles from the stock vehicle with no modifications straight off the showroom floor to a highley modified touring beasts! Either way we have different types of trips and many trips have an easy work around (chicken track). Please refer to the minimum 4wd equipment FAQ.
  • I am new to 4wdriving can i still join the Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc.?
    Absolutely! We love teaching newcomers how to 4wd. Our club provides training awareness and guidance throughout our regular trips. We have many experienced members witihin our club and we will be there to guide and assist you as you progressively learn to master the terrain.
  • What is included in my Initial Membership?
    Initial Membership: 12 month club membership for two adults and their children under the age of 18 years Voting rights at club meetings and events Unrestricted access to all club activities and events Members only trips Members only events Members only discounts Members only merchandise Public liability insurance cover Volunteers insurance cover Regional Membership 12 month club membership for two adults and their children under the age of 18 years. Voting rights at club meetings & events. Unrestricted access to all club activities and events. Members only trips. Members only events. Members only discounts. Members only merchandise. Public liability insurance cover. Volunteers insurance cover. And much much more!
  • When is my membership due for renewal?
    Your membership renewal is due 12 months from the date listed on your membership card
  • Is the Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. a Not-for Profit Organisation ?
    Yes! The Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. is a registered Not-for Profit Incorporated Association. This means that all funds raised by the club are for the benefit of the club and it's members.
  • Does the Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. hold monthly club meetings?
    Yes! When: 2nd Tuesday of each month. Where: Market City Tavern 280 Bannister Road, Canning Vale Time: 1900hrs RSVP: Via the website - Events Calendar
  • Do i have to attend to every club montlhy meeting? & are they compulsary?
    No! It is not compulsary to attend every club meeting, but you are required to attend a minimum of two meetings per year. Whilst attending every meeting is not compulsary it is worth making the effort to attend as many meetings as you can. Our monthly meetings are designed to keep our members up to date with the general running of our club and often many club decisions are made by members voting at the meetings. It is a great opportunity for our club members to bring new ideas to the club to help it continuously improve, plus its great to catch up with other members. We also have guest speakers attend our meeting along with sponsors and we also conduct raffles so theres a great opportunity to win some cool prizes!
  • When is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held?
    This Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. holds it's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the last weekend of July. This is where all general business for the year is discussed and electable committee positions are annouced.
  • I haven't been on an Isuzu Club Trip before how do i go?
    Well your part way there to know what you need to do, and congratulations for reading our FAQ! All attendees must RSVP their attendance online, simply visit the Calendar Link here & click on the RSVP button, complete all of the questions & follow the prompts. All of the trips information - what, where, when, etc. will be listed in the events Itinerary so please read carefully, remember if your not sure please contact the advertised trip by their listed phone number or email "the only stupid question, is the one that doesn't get asked"
  • There is a trip i would like to do but haven't seen on the event calendar?
    If you have a trip you would like to do and have not seen it in our trip calendar we want to know about it. You can email your interest to We are also looking for members to actively engage and lead new trips, and as such we encourage all of our members to suggest trips and to lead them. If you have never lead a trip before that is ok. We want you to learn and we will assist you in how to lead your first ever trip. Leading trips is a very rewarding expereince and it also helps keep things fresh in the club.
  • What is the minimum 4wd equipment i should have for a day trips?
    We are very encouraging of new guests wishing to become new members and new members just starting out in the wonderful lifestyle of 4wdriving. And as such if you do not have the minimum requirement please contact so one of our friendly committee members can assist you. A minimum you should aim to have - Licensed & roadworthy vehicle UHF Radio either a fixed unit or a handheld unit (5 watt is the recomended wattage for handheld radios) Rated recovery points front and rear of your vehicle or minimum a rated (recovery hitch) 2 x rated bow shackles 1 x snatch strap & damper blanket 1 x long handle shovel Air Compressor Tire Deflator Enough water for 24 hours per occupant. Hat Sunscreen
  • Ok so i have the minimum 4wd equipment, what is the recommended equipment?"
    Ok your off to a great start by having the minimum 4wd equipment, but now it is time to get properly set up for longer trips. All trips vary and our club will advise you of what to carry additionally. Either a High-Lift Jack, Exhaust Jack or suitable jacking device for your vehicle Tarp - very handy when you need to lay on the ground under your vehicle etc. Jump Pack or Jumper Leads Torch & spare batteries Sunscreen Note Pad & Pencil / Pen Hema Navigator or minimum Hema Paper Map Compass Tire Repair Kit Spare Fuel Filter, Oil Filter & Air Filter Spare Drive Belt Spare Hoses Spare Fuses Roll of Electrical Tape Basic Tool Kit Folding Shovel Matches / Lighter Note - When attending Extended Club Trips we liaise with each other so we are not doubleing up on carrying too much gear.
  • The Weather Gods are among us !
    The outdoors can change its conditions at any moment. We recommend doing a majority pack to suit the season, even in summer you can experience cold nights so we always recommend that you bring some warm clothing and vice versa. Even in Winter you can experience some hot weather, so we recommend packing at least one set of warm weather clothes. Now do not forget that even when the weather forecast is bright & sunny day’s anything can happen it is the weather after all, so do not forget to pack your wet weather gear.
  • Hydration - Alice the Camel has Five Humps!
    Water is essential to life ! without it your going to be in trouble real fast! Here in Australia our outback is all about a lot of wide open spaces! & many of these places can see you in areas where water is not a close shop or tap away! We recommend a minimum 3 Litres per day per adult we also recommend carrying the same amount per child as a safe measure. When plannig for a remote trip we also recommend that you carry a surplus of 3-5 days depending on the remoteness of the trip your planning. It's also recomended that you don't keep all your eggs in the one basket. Water Safe Tanks / Water Safe Jerry Cans are great to carry your esential water but its also good to be carrying water in water bottles too. Cartons of water are cheap to buy and best of all you can separate them and shove them in all the nooks and crannies. Giving you a separate back up supply of water.
  • Firewood
    Everyone loves a great story around a campfire! When the fire season permits, we here at the Isuzu Club of WA love to kick back and enjoy a great conversation while getting lost gazing into a fire. After completing a great day out on the tracks there simply is just no better way to relax! With fire comes responsibility! We only have fires when it's in the allowable season and it is safe to do so. There are a lot places we visit that require us to BYO Firewood, this helps to prevent campsites from being picked bare and helps look after the habitat of the local flora and fauna. Remember to check on the trip details for the Firewood requirements! you don't want to forget and be the one that causes everyone to be cold!
  • Fuel
    Fuel is critical for what we do, without enough it might end up in a long walk! All attendees are required to have a full tank of fuel prior to the commencement of our Safety / Trip briefings. Some of the places we visit require more than just the amount of fuel you can carry in your standard fuel tank. As such you will need to have a long range tank fitted or carry jerry cans. It's really important that you read through our trips listed requirements and be suitably prepared. Sometimes we can't always top up at a reputable service station, so we recomend that you carry a couple of spare fuel filters and or have a preline fuel filter installed.
  • Will i damage my 4wd if i go out on a trip with the Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. ?
    Due to the nature of 4wdriving, vehicle damage is always possible. As a club we always try to minimise the chance of damage as much as possible. We do this by rating all of our trips so you will know in advance how difficult the tracks are likely to be. Along with our coaching and regular guidance our members will develope their skill set and ability to assess if they are able to tackle certain obsticles / terrain. We have a club philosophy of "safe & sustainable 4wdriving practices" As with many tracks around Western Australia it is very possible to scratch your 4wd. We try to limit this occurring by conducting track maintenance on the tracks we frequent most. Unfortunately sometimes there is no way to avoid scratches.
  • I've heard that 4wd clubs just like to go "bush bashing" & "only do really rough tracks" & "don't care about damaging your vehicles" & "wrecking the environment" is this true?"
    ABSOLUTELY NOT! In fact we are the complete opposite of this this possible sterotype! The Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. promotes "safe and sustainable 4wd practices" Our club is a member of Track Care WA Inc. and we are also involved with special projects with DBCA"Department of Biodiversity, Convervation & Attractions" Our club also conducts regular maintenance of the tracks we frequently use. We want to look after what we enjoy so that future generations can also enjoy what we love. We also leave everywhere we visit better than when we got there! The Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc. promotes safe & sustainable 4wdriving practices.

©2020 by Isuzu 4x4 Club of WA Inc.. created by I4X4WA

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